The future holds – Sponsorship

We are proud to announce that ENGINIUS GmbH is the new platinum sponsor for the 2023 racing season for Ecogenium! Ecogenium ist!

Our partnership is fostered by our common vision to develop, innovate and promote hydrogen fuel cell technology for automotive and truck industry. It is clear to us that the future of decarbonized mobility will include hydrogen as one of its key cornerstones.

The team of Ecogenium are highly motivated students from RWTH Aachen university working in the field of hydrogen mobility. The goal is to design and build a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle to race for efficiency at the annual Shell Eco-Marathon. Now ENGINIUS and Ecogenium are working on this togehter. Moreover, we aim to engage with leading educational institutions, the local community, and businesses to further the development of the hydrogen industry.

The outstanding uniqueness of this partnership is the development of hydrogen solutions that not only serve the environment but also our citizens and cities in a remarkable way.

We are looking forward to reach exciting milestones in the development of a new vehicle and do wish the team of Ecogenium a lot of success.

Speed up!

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